Silent Wings Blinds

Ron Latshaw has come out of retirement to create 3 of the most innovative blinds ever created.....The modular "Blind Spot" A-Frame Blind, the "Hot Shot" Backboard Blind, and the "Quick Draw" Layout Blind that literally sets up in 5 seconds!  These blinds are extremely well made and will last for years.

Sold exclusively at Prairiewind Decoys

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**FREE SHIPPING** Snow Toller White Dog Vest "STV" by Silent Wings

**SALE** Normally $28ea. ON SALE NOW for $19.95ea!!
€15.76 (EUR)

The "Hot Shot" Backboard Blind by Silent Wings/Ron Latshaw

**SALE** Normally $125, ON SALE now for $99.95!!
€78.96 (EUR)