**SPRING SALE** Migration Blue Goose Full Body Decoys (DAK12090) by Dakota Decoys

**SPRING SALE** Normally $155/6pk, SALE NOW for $139.49/6pk!!
Manufacturer: Dakota Decoys





   6 pack

   By Dakota Decoys

JUST IN!  The eagle has landed!

Introducing the NEW MIGRATION Snow Goose Fullbody Decoys by Dakota Decoys.  These new decoys are extremely realistic and well made. They come with ring base stands and FIELD STAKES!

These Migration Snow Goose Decoys present something brand new that the birds have not yet seen, and something that will withstand the tough weather conditions that hunter’s face.

Each box of Migration Series Blues is packaged in six packs, which includes 3 feeders, 1 searcher, and 2 uprights.

What makes this decoy so appealing to hunters is its ease of use. These New Fullbody Migration Blue Goose Decoys by Dakota Decoys are constructed with a one-piece body, with no removable parts, and a one-piece motion system that can be attached or easily unattached with one step. That means there are no loose head connections or having your decoy blow over or off its base.

The goal was to keep it simple. You will be impressed with the quality construction, realism, and durability of the New Migration Snows and Blues. The custom Wind-Walker motion system is identical to their X-treme Honker full body decoys, and has been proven to make setup, moving, and tear down a breeze.

Hit the snow geese hard with something they haven’t seen before.

Help save the tundra, one goose at a time!

These Fullbody Blue Goose Decoys by Dakota Decoys will help you harvest more adult snow geese than you thought were possibleAlso available in Snow Migration 6 packs, and Juvie Migration 6 packs.